Winter is experienced differently across our great nation. Here are some fun and easy tips you can use throughout the winter season for your yard, porch, or balconies.
Winter Hardy Potted Plants
Potted plants provide an easy option for adding elegant plants near your doorway, on your porch, or along walkways in your yard. There are beautiful varieties of evergreen shrubs, blueberry bushes, or the Christmas Rose, or hellebore for a vibrant pop of color!
Keep New Tree Trunks Covered
Cover new tree trunks with paper in the fall before the first freeze. Keep this paper on until spring to protect your trees from UV damage during the winter months when your trees do not have protective leaves.
Pruning During Winter
Winter is the perfect time to prune many plants. Although, the late dormant season is best across many regions, be sure to check with a local specialist for any specific plants. Pruning in late winter, before spring buds begin, leaves fresh wounds exposed for only a short amount of time before new growth begins.
Control Erosion & Water Loss With Mulching
Apply mulch around trees, plants, and shrubs to provide extra winter protection. Introducing a 2-inch layer of mulch will reduce water loss and help maintain uniform soil temperature around the roots. However, try not to add too much mulch around trees as you don’t want to smother their root structures.